
Joe is living his dream. When he was a kid, he dreamed of doing 2 things. Playing baseball and being a radio DJ. All these years later he still does both. Joe has been working as a radio DJ for 42 years. He also still plays baseball for the Chicago Giants of the Roy Hobbs baseball league.

Joe is from a neighborhood referred to as K-Town on the West side of Chicago. He is a graduate of Farragut High School. He is also a graduate of Northern Illinois University.

Joe's wife is Darlene. They have been married for 28 years. They have 3 children who are now all in their 20's. Sonia, Samantha and Sonny. Joe is proud of his Family. He also considers his V103 afternoon listeners part of his extended Family. They are very special to him.

Joe's childhood dream continues as he has been on the air in his hometown for the past 18 years. He considers V103 to be one of the great radio stations in the country.

Joe ends each show with the words "God bless you. God keep you. Remember to dream the impossible, incredible things, they truly will happen!"

